It's been a long week this week. So Friday night was spent with a glass of wine admiring my new laminate flooring. Have had a horrid old carpet for the last ten years (which I took up by myself with a six month old baby in one arm!). I was in bed by ten last night, oh how times have changed! Up with the larks this morning, had to take 'Kitten' to the vet, she was spayed on Monday and needed a check up. Took the baby and the two younger boys with me and no drama's there. She's all good, although the vet was amazed to hear that since she was spayed she seems to have taken to looking after her auntie's new litter. It must be her hormones, they'll be all over the place was her answer. I understood.
School fete at lunchtime, left the house at half eleven to get there for twelve. Still didn't manage to get there on time, had to pick my eldest up from a sleepover, so he could come home to sleep before he goes off to a gig this evening. Managed to clean up at the cake stall, hook a duck, buy an ice cream and come home with a tattooed five year old. The baby discovered grass today, she's nearly crawling, no mean feat on a school field! One of my friends came with her partner for a cuppa and I managed to put my size sevens in it. Chatting about the childrens options for University in the area and I failed to list the University (a new ish one) that they both work at!! Think I managed to pull it back in the end. Been a very quiet evening, dozed off when putting the baby down, the eldest is off reviewing a gig in Portsmouth, my thirteen year old is playing the infamous call of duty with his dad online. And the nine and the five year old are sorting through Doctor Who cards upstairs in bed! So much for a busy and manic life, just time to take a breath have a fag and a cuppa. I'm giving up smoking next week, more on that one later!
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