Saturday, 24 November 2012

Being a 'Mum's taxi'? You're very welcome!

It kinda feels weird tipping up at the end of a gig.  

The bands getting their gear into vans and sweaty, exhausted fans outside still buzzing from what you've just missed. I do this quite often, come in at the end, to pick up my son from gigs all over the place. I never mind. 

I love how he doesn't stop talking on the way home, telling me all about it...'The drummer did this...we chatted to the vocalist....the pits were sick....' It makes me so happy to hear his passion for music.

Earlier on in the evening I received a text from a number I didn't know. 
It said, 'Pick me up from the King Alfred at 11 xx Don't text back'. Sounds a bit mysterious I know but my son doesn't have a phone (yes even in 2012) so I am used to these texts. I fought the urge not to reply with, 'Ok Sweet-Pea, although it's way past your bedtime, Mummy loves you mwah mwah mwah *smiley face kiss kiss kiss*'.  I do not like to pass up the opportunity to embarrass  my son in general but I gracefully decided not to, on this occasion.
Turned out he borrowed the phone from one of the bands, I think that's pretty cool.  Slightly relieved that I didn't embarrass him but also a tad disappointed as it would have been comical to see his reaction to my proposed text.

I am used to being at gigs, I go to a lot of them, but even turning up at the end is enough.  The atmosphere, though almost dispersed, like a fog released from the venue's doors,is still present in the air. It's not just the music then? It's something more? Maybe I don't like the feeling of missing out or maybe I just like to be around all things 'live'. 

He made me a cup of tea when we got in as a thank you for the taxi service and fell asleep on the sofa before he drank his. A good night was had by all.

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